Client Testimonials
I feel like Drew 2.0 - I will
forever look back at this time and (know) that it was a life-changing season. It catapulted me into my destiny, unlike anything I’ve ever gone
through before
Film Director / Producer
The number one thing that I learned through Emerge was my Union with God… discovering that has been more fulfilling than anything that I’ve done in my entire life.
After Emerge, I now show up on the scene knowing Jesus is on the scene with me. My level of boldness and confidence has increased so much. I’m no longer waiting on Jesus, we are one.
If there is any cry of your heart that is longing to know your purpose - do Emerge! It’s so worth it. There's nothing like waking up everyday living the life you were created to live!
Transformation Coach
After Emerge,
I had a deeper sense of who I am and confidence of what I’m called to it… (it) gave me confidence to commit to what I’m passionate about
Business Owner/Photographer
Emerge taught me to give myself time to stop and listen to the Holy Spirit. Now that I’ve found that connection, I am truly Spirit-led. It’s understanding that God is in you and my complete union with Him.
Health Coach
After Emerge I now feel at peace because I know and trust that God is going to do the work. I don’t have to rely on my own understanding, strength or my own ability. It’s so simple. I just ask - What’s next Papa?
Musician/Worship Leader
My life has radically changed since Emerge. It’s been nothing short of amazing. The biggest change is my one-on-one relationship with the Holy Spirit. After 30 years of being a Christian I am walking a whole new walk with the Lord. Now I simply hear and do.
Hearing the Lord is so easy now we are always in casual conversation. I wake up talking to him and God is talking to me.
It is awesome.
Ministry Leader
Since Emerge I have the closeness that I’ve been needing. I know I am one with him. I ask him anything and he responds to me and it feels so good.
Coach/Business Owner
Since Emerge my ability to hear God has increased. I can now tap into my imagination, I hear from God through images, my spiritual eyes are open. I can hear God with clarity.
After Emerge I finally understand what it means for God to be my Father. We are on an adventure through my life and God is the pilot. He knows where we are going and he is going to get us to my destiny one step at a time as I follow His lead.
Emerge is the best foundation you can have to hear God’s voice for yourself. I feel so much more focused and empowered to go after what I was made to do. I’m so excited. God is on my side and I now have the tools I need to pursue my dreams.
Business Owner
Since taking Emerge I encounter the love of God everywhere. Experiencing oneness with Jesus changed everything. I’m not rejected, but accepted and loved. It is a different world for me.
Ministry Leader
It is such an adventure to be able to walk everyday with the Holy Spirit and to hear from Him 24/7. Not just about how much I’m loved, but about every decision I need to be able to move forward in partnership with Him. It’s extraordinary.
Emerge gave me clarity. It is amazing how religion impacts the way we view ministry. I now know the direction and next steps to take with my ministry. It's being built how God designed it.
Ministry Founder
Since Emerge I know there’s a plan for me and I know that God loves me. He has never left me , I have access to him all the time - always even when I’m fearful he still loves me. Nothing can change that.
Emerge has allowed me to see my purpose and help me grow in my relationship with God, Jesus and Holy Spirit. I’m free, I feel more confident. I have a better relationship with myself, my husband, and my family.
Since Emerge my relationship with God is completely different. I hear him clearly and I feel like I walk with him constantly. Now that I know I’m one with Him, my self-esteem and confidence has soared. I finally see myself as God sees me.
Business Owner
Through Emerge I received a powerful revelation of just how much God loves me. Through experiencing my union with Him, I now realize that there is nothing separating us and there will never be anything that can. Our oneness is a done deal!
Prophetic Coach/Consultant
Since Emerge I know God is always present. He is always with me. And I love how I can go to Him with absolutely anything. It is wonderful having the kind of close relationship with Him where I hear from Him all the time.
After Emerge I am in love with Jesus all over again. It’s better than when I first got saved. I’m absolutely head over heels madly in love with Jesus and so excited for my future.
Emerge taught me how to clearly hear God. The things He tells me to do, I do. It is so exciting to walk with Him and see each Him work through me as I fulfill my purpose.
Portrait Photographer
I can now sit down, seek God’s heart, and ask Him questions. I have an ongoing dialogue with Him and am confident that I am following His plan for my life every day.
Through Emerge God has revealed to me a oneness that I have never experienced before.. and it is so exciting. Every day is an adventure that I get to experience with Him.
Since Emerge I have a lot more peace. I now experience what real union with God is like. I’m know I'm one with God and I can live out of a place of deep intimacy with Him.
Since Emerge my relationship with God is at a level I didn’t know was possible. It’s amazing! The God that created everything speaks to me... He doesn’t hold anything back.
Through Emerge my relationship with God has transformed. He speaks to me so clearly. There is so much strength that comes from my ability to hear from him. I feel much more secure and confident.
Emerge has been pivotal for me. Pivotal in that things that seemed important to me aren’t as important anymore. Now that I know where I’m headed and how I’m getting there, I realize what really matters. Fulfilling my purpose!
Through Emerge I learned how God speaks directly to me. He has specific things to say to me and specific things for me to do. I now have such an intimate relationship with Him. Our relationship is an intimate, playful, and fun adventure.
Business Owner
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